4 - 5 December 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland
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Wednesday, December 4

13:45 CET

Bringing a Ceph Based Enterprise Email System Into the Field - Danny Al-Gaaf, Deutsche Telekom AG
Wednesday December 4, 2024 13:45 - 14:20 CET
Deutsche Telekom operates a growing email system with several million accounts and billions of emails stored on traditional NFS. Six years ago we introduced librmb (librados mailbox) to the community, a universal open source library to store emails in a Ceph cluster. Librmb uses RADOS to store email directly in Ceph to achieve maximum performance through parallel access from many email gateways simultaneously, for millions of active customers. Email systems are much too complex to be simulated in a way which would allow to verify if the switch to librmb will work for a large number of users. Therefore a field test with active customers was necessary to provide an educated guess on the behavior of the final setup. This presentation will cover the results from artificial and real field tests with more than 1 million accounts/users. The results include the experience and learnings of migrating from the existing email system into Ceph, an extended time of running the system and from migrating the accounts out of the test system. We will provide an insight into our learnings, found issues, potential solutions and an outlook into our next steps towards a Ceph based email system.
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Danny Al-Gaaf

Senior Cloud Technologist, Deutsche Telekom AG
Danny Al-Gaaf is a Senior Cloud Technologist working for Deutsche Telekom. As a Ceph upstream developer he is a driver for using Ceph at Deutsche Telekom. For the last 15 years his professional focus has been on Linux and open source. He works actively in several upstream communities... Read More →
Wednesday December 4, 2024 13:45 - 14:20 CET
SG Auditorium A

13:45 CET

Crimson Project Update - Matan Breizman & Aishwarya Mathuria, IBM
Wednesday December 4, 2024 13:45 - 14:20 CET
The Crimson project is an effort to build a replacement ceph-osd well suited to the new reality of low latency, high throughput, persistent memory and NVMe technologies. Built on the Seastar C++ framework, crimson-osd aims to be able to fully exploit modern devices by minimizing latency, CPU overhead, and cross-core communication. This talk will discuss the current state of Crimson going into the Tentacle release.
avatar for Aishwarya Mathuria

Aishwarya Mathuria

Senior Software Engineer, IBM
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Matan Breizman

Crimson's Tech Lead, IBM
Matan is Crimson's tech lead, which is the next generation Ceph OSD. Part of the Core Ceph development group since 2021.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 13:45 - 14:20 CET
SG Auditorium B

14:25 CET

Follow the Advice, but Not Too Closely - Building the Cluster YOU Need - Gregory Orange, Pawsey Supercomputing Centre
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:25 - 14:35 CET
Pawsey receives infrequent blocks of government funding to provide supercomputing, cloud and data services typically at no cost to scientific researchers in Australia. This has a big impact on both the way requirements are determined and on the design and procurement model. Our new 20PB cluster pushes the bounds of what is recommended, for performance and for node density, but we are confident it will serve researchers' needs over the lifespan of the equipment and beyond. This talk will look at the details of this design, and how we determined them, tested them, and increased our confidence of success. Many of these factors are useful in deploying any new cluster, so you will take away some tips on how to get started, or use the experience you already have to build the next one.
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Gregory Orange

Gregory Orange, Pawsey Supercomputing Centre
Greg deploys and runs Ceph and OpenStack for scientists in Australia, and is involved in the floor tiles, the RGW nodes, the teams who look after it all, and nearly everything in between. Automation and efficiency are of great interest to him, and so is the well-being of all the people... Read More →
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:25 - 14:35 CET
SG Auditorium A

14:25 CET

Conditional End2end Tracing - Yuval Lifshitz, IBM & Deepika Upadhyay, Clyso GmBH
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:25 - 15:00 CET
End to end tracing can help debug latency issues between the RGW and the OSD, giving a complete picture of request flow, but tracing itself has a performance impact on the system. When your production system runs into issues, the last thing you want is to put it under more pressure! In this session we will demonstrate how to use Lua scripting on the RGW to turn opentelemetry based tracing only for some of the incoming requests. Allowing us to focus on the problem without slowing down the entire system.
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Yuval Lifshitz

Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
Yuval Lifshitz works as a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM. His current focus is enriching the Ceph ecosystem by adding connectivity between the Rados Object Gateway and external message brokers (Kafka, Knative, RabbitMQ, etc.). He also added Lua scripting into the Rados Object... Read More →
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Deepika Upadhyay

Ceph Engineer, Clyso GmBH
Deepika is currently working as a Ceph Engineer at Clyso GmBH and is a contributor to Ceph and Rook project, she has worked as an Outreachy intern for Ceph with focus on adding tracing to Ceph OSD. She has also worked as a RADOS and RBD(Block based storage) teams and now working with... Read More →
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:25 - 15:00 CET
SG Auditorium B

14:25 CET

The Art of Teuthology - Patrick Donnelly, IBM, Inc.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:25 - 15:00 CET
The Ceph project has used the Teuthology testing framework for much of its history. The custom framework is used to schedule batch jobs that perform e2e testing of Ceph. This is orchestrated using a suite of YAML fragments to alternate test modes, configurations, workloads, and other parameters. Teuthology assembles these fragments into a static matrix with potentially dozens of dimensions ultimately producing a combinatoric explosion of jobs which are evaluated, in practice, as smaller subsets for scheduling. We will explore an alternative directed graph model for constructing jobs from a suite of YAML fragments using path walks. Code adapted to this model has been constructed to produce subsets in linear time and provide Lua scriptable control of YAML fragment generation. The latter new feature empowers us to test Ceph with more rigor and completeness. For example, upgrade suites can be constructed using all possible versions of Ceph that are valid upgrade paths to a target release. We will explore this and other enhancements in depth. The audience can expect to leave with a firm and visual understanding of how QA is performed on Ceph and a vision for the future testing.
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Patrick Donnelly

Software Architect, IBM, Inc.
Patrick Donnelly is a Software Architect at IBM, Inc. working as part of the global development team on the open source Ceph distributed storage system. Patrick has principally worked on the Ceph file system (CephFS) since 2016. He has been working on Open Source projects for the... Read More →
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:25 - 15:00 CET
SG Auditorium C

14:40 CET

Erasure Coding: 5 Ways to Split a Squid - Jamie Pryde, IBM
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:40 - 14:50 CET
Ceph supports a wide range of Erasure Coding plugins and techniques. This talk will give a brief overview of the different erasure coding plugins supported by Ceph along with some interesting detail about how the various techniques for each plugin works. After giving an overview of the different plugins and techniques, we will discuss our motivations for changing the default plugin from Jerasure to ISA-L, including highlighting some of the more recent optimisations supported by ISA-L. We will also show some preliminary performance results supporting this decision.
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Jamie Pryde

Storage Software Engineer, IBM
I have been working Ceph performance and erasure coding since the beginning of 2024, after almost 10 years of developing encryption and security solutions for the IBM FlashSystems line.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 14:40 - 14:50 CET
SG Auditorium A

15:05 CET

Exploring RocksDB in RGW: How We Manage Tombstones - Sungjoon Koh, LINE Plus
Wednesday December 4, 2024 15:05 - 15:40 CET
LINE, a global mobile messenger, has adopted Ceph as its main object storage. It is used to store different kinds of data, such as log files and application data. Thanks to its scalability, billions of objects are stored in our clusters. However, over time, object deletions lead to the accumulation of tombstones in RocksDB, resulting in delays during iteration. Slow iteration not only impacts LIST operation but also stalls subsequent requests. To address this issue, we first collected RocksDB metric called "skip count", which indicates the total number of tombstones detected during iterations. We then deployed a new job which compacts OSDs with high skip counts to prevent stalls. Additionally, we analyzed the pattern of tombstones and found out that a few prefixes account for over 80% tombstones, throughout the entire OSD. Based on this observation, we propose range-based compaction. In this presentation, we will first explain the basics of RocksDB and its role in Ceph Object Storage. Then, we will share our experience how we handled the RocksDB issue. Lastly, we will discuss our proposal for range-based compaction, which could further optimize overall system performance.
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Sungjoon Koh

Cloud Storage Engineer, LINE Plus
Sungjoon Koh is a cloud storage engineer at LINE Plus Corporation, focusing on object storage and NVMe-oF-based block storage services. His current interests include enhancing Ceph's compatibility with the S3 standard and developing object migration features. Before joining LINE Plus... Read More →
Wednesday December 4, 2024 15:05 - 15:40 CET
SG Auditorium C

16:00 CET

Revisiting Ceph's Performance After 4 Years - Wido den Hollander, Your.Online
Wednesday December 4, 2024 16:00 - 16:35 CET
As new generations of hardware become available and Ceph is improved, how does it's performance change? If we look back 4 years, how did Ceph's performance improve (or not)?
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Wido den Hollander

CTO, Your.Online
Wido has been a part of the Ceph community for over 10 years. Long time user, developer and advocate of the future of storage. He has worked as Ceph consultant and trainer and is now CTO of Your.Online, a European-based hosting group with companies throughout Europe and a large Ceph... Read More →
Wednesday December 4, 2024 16:00 - 16:35 CET
SG Auditorium C

17:20 CET

Improving Ceph Economics with QAT Hardware Offload - Philip Williams, Canonical
Wednesday December 4, 2024 17:20 - 17:55 CET
Ceph, the words most popular open source software defined storage system, has offered storage efficiency features such as block device compression, object compression and server-side object encryption for a number of releases. However, enabling these features has always come as a trade-off between the additional performance required (in terms of cores/GHz) vs the raw storage cost, ultimately driving users away from these features. In this talk we will walk through several different scenarios where Intel's QAT offload is used to enable these features without significant overhead to primary processing, and still yields greater performance without causing increased cost per GB.
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Philip Williams

Product Manager, Canonical
Philip is a Product Manager at Canonical responsible for Ceph and other storage solutions. He has over 18 years experience in the storage industry, having previously been responsible for storage infrastructure and products at a number of leading technology companies.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 17:20 - 17:55 CET
SG Auditorium B
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